Resources for Adult Students


It's Never Too Late To Start

If you, too, have doubted that adult beginners could attain success at the piano, examine the evidence. It should give you the courage and confidence to discover for yourself the enormous pleasure of playing the piano! Just consider the following:


  1. Adults who study piano do so because they are self-motivated. They sincerely wish to make music. This gives them an immediate advantage over someone who doesn't have a choice in the matter.
  2. Adults have developed greater intellectual powers than children. An adult's concentration and capacity for analytical thinking improves his/her capacity to learn. Click here for a useful summary on music theory pitched for adults!
  3. Adults, who have listened to significant amounts of music during their lifetime, have greater musical sophistication and are more readily aware of differences in style, tone quality, pitch.
  4. There is no reason that learning should be restricted to childhood. In fact, psychologists have discovered that the learning capacity of adults declines far more slowly than most people believe. An eighty-year-old, for example, can learn at about the same rate as a twelve year-old. Individual differences in intelligence and experience account for greater discrepancies than age. Constant practice in learning can offset any presumed decline in capacity. Flowkey is a web-based app that has tutorials for hundreds of songs on the piano.  This is a great solution for a busy adult who wants to learn piano on their own time without committing to weekly lessons.
  5. The piano was really designed for adults. Its large dimensions and the weight of its keys are most suited to a grown person. While other stringed instruments come in small sizes to accommodate small persons, one must "grow into" the piano.
  6. Adults are more conscious of spending and therefore more likely to make the most of music lessons.


The many adults who are now taking up piano in their mature years are living proof that it is never too late to learn something new and that the very wish to accomplish something is a powerful aid to success. Checkout out our piano teachers listed in the area!


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